Els professors Manel Clemente, Carles Torné i Santi Erill van visitar, del 28 de Febrer al 2 de Març del 2022, la University of Arts in Belgrade (Sèrbia) en el marc del programa ERASMUS. La seva visita tenia com a propòsit impartir una xerrada sobre fotografia contemporània a l’estat espanyol i una presentació sobre patrimoni memorial commemoratiu de la Guerra Civil Espanyola a Catalunya. De forma paral·lela un altre objectiu d’aquesta mobilitat era conèixer la Faculty of Applied Arts d’aquesta universitat per tal de compartir possibles projectes internacionals. Durant aquest semestre l’alumna d’aquesta facultat Sofija Stojanovic està realitzant una mobilitat ERASMUS al Departament d’Animació de la nostra escola.
Durant la seva estada els professors van ser rebuts i acompanyats per la coordinadora de relacions internacionals de la facultat Zana Bogunovic.
El dia 28 van visitar el Departament de Pintura Aplicada acompanyats per la Cap de departament Milka Vujovic i pel professor Vladislav Scepanovic. Per la tarda van ser rebuts per la coordinadora de relacions internacionals de la Universitat Jasmina Milovanovic.
El dia 1 de Març els tres professors van fer una presentació de les nostres institucions EA Pau Gargallo i ESDAPC. A continuació van impartir la xerrada Spanish contemporary Photography, a selection: Chema Madoz, Jordi Bernadó, Joan Fontcuberta, adreçada a alumnes i professors de la Facultat. En acabar, van realitzar una reunió de treball amb el professor de Fotografia Vladimir Tatarevic i el seu professor assistent Luka Klikovac.
El dia 2 de Març el professor Manel Clemente va impartir la xerrada from Belgrade to Barcelona: Memorial monumental heritage of the Spanish Civil War in Catalunya, a semiotic analysis, adreçada als professors de la facultat. Aquesta activitat va anar acompanyada d’una sessió de debat amb els professors d’Història de l’Art Milan Prosen i Vesna Krulijac.
Aquesta mobilitat ERASMUS dels tres professors ha permès enfortir les relacions entre la nostra escola i la University of Arts in Belgrade. El proper mes d’abril la professora d’aquesta institució Julijana Protić ens visitarà per impartir una conferència sobre escultura modular.
Més informació: https://www.arts.bg.ac.rs/en/
The teachers Manel Clemente, Carles Torné and Santi Erill visited the University of Arts in Belgrade (Serbia) from February 28th to March 2nd, 2022 in the frame of the ERASMUS program. The purpose of their visit was to give a talk on Contemporary Photography in Spain and a presentation on Memorial Heritage commemorating the Spanish Civil War in Catalonia. At the same time, another goal of this mobility was to get to know the Faculty of Applied Arts of this university in order to share possible international projects. During this semester, the student from this faculty Sofija Stojanovic is carrying out an ERASMUS mobility in the Animation Department of our school.
During their stay, the teachers were received and accompanied by the coordinator of international relations of the faculty Zana Bogunovic.
On the 28th they visited the Department of Applied Painting accompanied by the Head of Department Milka Vujovic and Professor Vladislav Scepanovic. In the afternoon they were received by the International Relations Coordinator of the University Jasmina Milovanovic.
On March 1st, the three teachers made a presentation of our institutions EASD Pau Gargallo and ESDAPC. Then they gave the talk Spanish contemporary Photography, a selection: Chema Madoz, Jordi Bernadó, Joan Fontcuberta, addressed to students and professors of the Faculty. At the end, they held a working meeting with the professor of Photography Vladimir Tatarevic and his assistant professor Luka Klikovac.
On March 2nd, the teacher Manel Clemente gave the talk from Belgrade to Barcelona: Monumental Heritage Memorial of the Spanish Civil War in Catalonia, a semiotic analysis, addressed to faculty members. This activity was accompanied by a discussion session with Art History teachers Milan Prosen and Vesna Krulijac.
This ERASMUS mobility has made it possible to strengthen relations between our school and the University of Arts in Belgrade. Next April, the teacher of this institution, Julijana Protić, will visit us to give a lecture on modular sculpture.
More information: https://www.arts.bg.ac.rs/en/
Category: Agenda, Uncategorized