From Abroad 2022-23: talks and lectures in English about Art and Design
Melania Bobrowska
Ceramics in Poland
Thursday 30th November 2023
room 4
Melania Bobrowska és una estudiant ERASMUS de la Pedagocical University or Cracow que està estudiant Ceràmica durant aquest curs acadèmic a l'Escola d'Art Pau Gargallo. El passat dijous 30 de novembre de 2023 va fer una presentació sobre Ceràmica a Polònia adreçada a estudiants i professorat del departament de Ceràmica de la nostra escola. Melania Bobrowska va presentar l’obra de Justyna Smoleń, Aleksandra Liliput, Nina Paszkowski, Natalia Kopytko, Wojciech Ireneusz Sobczyk, Jad ceramika i Boleslawiec.
A continuació va mostrar una selecció del seus projectes artístics a partir d’aquesta presentació:
“Over the past few months I have been exploring the theme of witchcraft in the modern world. It is a space for me to experiment and listen to the magical reality that intrigues me, which is often overlooked in the contemporary world. It gives me room to play with art. In my work I seek a connection with nature, I am interested in rituals, both the Slavic ones performed by our ancestors and the contemporary ones, our rituals of everyday life. Following in the footsteps of witches, I learn about the role of women in history, who have carried the burden of witches being burned at the stake for centuries. Patriarchy becomes a subject to which I take away the power. I create objects with shouting, whispering, violence and with tenderness. I am a first-year Master’s student of Art & Design at the Pedagogical University of Cracow. I majored in graphic design, but recently I have also been involved in installation and various kinds of action in space. During my studies, I have explored skills such as various printmaking techniques, painting, ceramics, glass processing and working in 2D programmes.”
Melania Bobrowska is an ERASMUS student from the Pedagogical University or Cracow who is studying Ceramics during this academic year at the Pau Gargallo Art School. Last Thursday 30th November 2023, he gave a presentation on Ceramics in Poland addressed to students and teachers of the Ceramics department of our school. Melania Bobrowska presented the work of Justyna Smoleń, Aleksandra Liliput, Nina Paszkowski, Natalia Kopytko, Wojciech Ireneusz Sobczyk, Jad ceramika and Boleslawiec.
She then showed a selection of his artistic projects from this presentation:
“Over the past few months I have been exploring the theme of witchcraft in the modern world. It is a space for me to experiment and listen to the magical reality that intrigues me, which is often overlooked in the contemporary world. It gives me room to play with art. In my work I seek a connection with nature, I am interested in rituals, both the Slavic ones performed by our ancestors and the contemporary ones, our rituals of everyday life. Following in the footsteps of witches, I learn about the role of women in history, who have carried the burden of witches being burned at the stake for centuries. Patriarchy becomes a subject to which I take away the power. I create objects with shouting, whispering, violence and with tenderness. I am a first-year Master’s student of Art & Design at the Pedagogical University of Cracow. I majored in graphic design, but recently I have also been involved in installation and various kinds of action in space. During my studies, I have explored skills such as various printmaking techniques, painting, ceramics, glass processing and working in 2D programmes.”
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