El passat dilluns 2 de maig de 2022, l'artista i professor de la University of Arts in Belgrade Vladimir Tatarević va fer una presentació d'aquesta institució i el seu departament de fotografia. També va fer una presentació d'una selecció dels seus projectes professionals i artístics.
Els estudiants i professors del Departament de Gràfica impresa de la nostra escola van tenir l'oportunitat de conèixer el Departament de Fotografia de la Facultat d'Arts Aplicades de Belgrad i compartir amb Vladimir Tatarević la seva tasca professional i els seus projectes creatius "Spartans" i “Vestal Virgines” . També va fer una presentació del projecte “Mona Lisa” en col·laboració amb l'artista Vrcelj, que ja ha estat exposat a Belgrad i París.
University of Arts in Belgrade is one of our ERASMUS partners.
+ informació: University of Arts in Belgrade
+ informació: BeMonaLisa
From Abroad 21 / 22: talks and lectures in English about Art and Design
Vladimir Tatarevic
Photography projects
Monday 2nd May 2022. Room 12
Last Monday 2nd May 2022 the artist and professor from the Universtiy of Arts in Belgrade Vladimir Tatarević offered a presentation of this institution and its Photography department. He also made a presentation of a selection of his professional and artistic projects.
Students and teachers from the Printed Graphic department from the EASD Pau Gargallo had the opportunity to know the Department of Photography of the Faculty of Applied Arts in Belgrade and to share with Vladimir Tatarević his professional work and his creative photography projects “Spartans” and “Vestal Virgines”. He also made a presentation of the project “Mona Lisa” in collaboration with the artist Vrcelj, which has already been exhibited in Belgrad and Paris.
University of Arts in Belgrade is one of our ERASMUS partners.
+ information: University of Arts in Belgrade
+ information: BeMonaLisa
A short presentation of some Vladimir Tatarević’s projects
The artist is inspired by Spartan warriors who, knowingly going to their deaths, the small and tragic and the opposing intimidation of Persian power, are a unique example of courage and madness. The author, with a modern approach, puts a powerful ancient fighter in the present day. Strong bodies in motion and convulsions remind us of what is primordial nature, the strength of the spirit and body of the male sex, perpetually provoked thirst for struggle, for power.
Photographs in addition to the bodily aspect carry the message that in any time, with any weapon, enemy, man will still fight the most important battle, battle within himself.
"Spartans" are the first part of Vladimir Tatarevic's photography cycle to which this author expresses the beauty of the human body and the strength of the spirit.
“Vestal Virgines”
Vladimir Tatarević in his photographs depicts the European women of the 21st century, a new sensuality, an energetic gesture, a suggestive gaze that radiates self-awareness of their own beauty as well as their physical and psychological superiority.
A more careful reading of these photographs requires, above all, deciphering and searching for the author's intentions, as well as the entire cultural context that remains in the background of the work. The attractiveness and virtual beauty of the female body in the tension of the movement, which is released by fairy draperies with a flash of light, tell us that these modern Amazons are freeing themselves from all previous prejudices about women...
Branimir Karanović
Professor emeritus Faculty of Applied Arts
Category: Agenda, Uncategorized