From Abroad 22/23: talks and lectures in English about Art and Design
talk in Catalan
Friday 30 June 2023 at 12:30
room 12
Després de tornar de les seves mobilitats ERASMUS, els i les professors/es Juli Sanjuan, Ingrid Marquès i Maria Antònia Mateu van fer una exposició oral de la seva experiència a les diferents institucions que havien visitat.
El professor Juli Sanjuan va visitar del 24 al 26 d'Abril de 2023 la Haute École Albert Jacquard de Namur (Bèlgica) en el marc d'una mobilitat de formació Erasmus+. Durant la seva estada a la universitat va ser acollit per les responsables de les Relacions Internacionals Veronique Van Cauter i Gretchen Brand. Juli Sanjuan va poder assistir a una classe-taller pels alumnes d'"Experiències immersives" on havien invitat a un guionista de cinema i televisió per practicar el fet d'escriure un guió... També va assistir a diferents workshops a l'escola i va participar especialment en un workshop de foto 3D. Un professional del sector va visitar l'escola i va realitzar amb els i les alumnes un treball de foto i immersió en aquest camp.
Del 8 al 12 de maig de 2023 la professora Ingrid Marquès va realitzar una mobilitat de docència a la Facultat de Belles Arts de la Universitat de Porto / FBAUP convidada pel professor Pedro Amado en el marc del programa Erasmus+. Durant tres dies va dur a terme un taller de cal·ligrafia on es va investigar i conèixer l'estructura de les majúscules Romanes. El treball de tots els i les alumnes va ser molt intens i participatiu obtenint uns resultats molt positius que van ser exposats a l'aula en finalitzar el taller.
La professora Maria Antònia Mateu va visitar del 5 al 8 de Juny de 2023 la School of Art, Design and Architecture de la Aalto University a Helsinki en el marc d'una mobilitat de formació Erasmus+. Durant la seva estada va participar en les jornades Critical and Activist Artistic and Arts-Based Research in Art Education en el marc de la Seasonal School 2023 organitzada per la European Educational Research Association / EERA.
About our ERASMUS experience in Namur, Porto and Helsinki
From Abroad 22/23: talks and lectures in English about Art and Design
talk in Catalan
Friday 30 June 2023 at 12:30
room 12
After coming back from their ERASMUS mobilities, the teachers Juli Sanjuán, Ingrid Marquès and Maria Antònia Mateu gave an oral presentation of their experience at the different institutions they had visited.
The teacher Juli Sanjuán visited the Haute École Albert Jacquard in Namur (Belgium) from 24 to 26 April 2023 as part of an Erasmus+ training mobility. During his stay at the university he was welcomed by the heads of International Relations Veronique Van Cauter and Gretchen Brand. Juli Sanjuan was able to attend a class-workshop for the students of "Immersive Experiences" with the participation of a film and television scriptwriter. He also attended different workshops at school and participated especially in a 3D photo workshop. A professional from the sector visited the school and carried out photo work and immersion in this field with the students.
From May 8 to 12, the teacher Ingrid Marquès held a teaching mobility at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Porto / FBAUP invited by professor Pedro Amado as part of the Erasmus+ program. For three days she held a calligraphy workshop where students investigated and learned the structure of Roman capitals.The work of all the students was very intense and participatory, obtaining very positive results that were presented in the classroom at the end of the workshop.
The teacher Maria Antònia Mateu visited the School of Art, Design and Architecture of the Aalto University in Helsinki from 5 to 8 June 2023 as part of an Erasmus+ training mobility. During her stay he participated in the program “Critical and Activist Artistic and Arts-Based Research in Art Education” as part of the Seasonal School 2023 organized by the European Educational Research Association / EERA.
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