Alicja Panasiewicz: Polish design of the last twenty years
From Abroad 22-23: talks and lectures in English about Art and Design. Opening session
Thursday 13th October 2022
room 12
Last October 13, 2022, the professor of the Faculty of Art of the Pedagogical University of Krakow Alicja Panasiewicz gave a talk addressed to the students of cycles and ESDAPC campus Pau Gargallo. The talk entitled "Design in Poland during the last 20 years" was the opening session of the cycle "from Abroad 22-23, talks and lectures in English about Art and Design" an annual program that is carried out in our center since 2009.
Alicja Panasiewicz, joined by the professor Monika Necka from the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow, offered a global view of the different trends that currently dominate product design in Poland. They then gave a workshop on creative design strategies inspired by our individual and collective memory.
The activity ended with the presentation of the educational offer of the Faculty of Art of the Pedagogical University of Krakow.
El passat 13 d’Octubre de 2022 la professora de la Faculty of Art de la Pedagogical University of Krakow Alicja Panasiewicz va impartir una xerrada adreçada als alumnes de cicles i ESDAPC campus Pau Gargallo. La xerrada que portava per títol “Disseny a Polònia durant els darrers 20 anys” va ser la sessió inaugural del cicle “from Abroad 22-23, talks and lectures in English about Art and Design” un programa anual que es porta a terme al nostre centre des de l’any 2009.
Alicja Panasiewicz, acompanyada de la professora Monika Necka de la Academy of Fine Arts de Krakow va oferir una visió global de les diferents tendències que protagonitzen actualment el disseny de producte a Polònia. A continuació varen impartir un workshop sobre estratègies creatives de disseny inspirades en la nostra memòria individiual i col·lectiva.
L’activitat va acabar amb la presentació de l’oferta educativa de la Faculty of Art de la Pedagogical University of Krakow.
More information / més informació: Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny Krakowie
Category: Agenda, Uncategorized