From Abroad 2023-24: talks and lectures in English about Art and Design
Anna Pyzik: Studying Animation at the University of the National Education Commission, Krakow
Wednesday 22 May 2023 a 16:30
room 16
Anna Pyzik és una estudiant ERASMUS de University of the National Education Commission, Krakow (fins al 2023 anomenada Pedagogical University of Krakow) que ha estat estudiant animació durant aquest segon semestre a l'Escola d'Art Pau Gargallo. El passat dimecres 22 de Maig de 2024 va fer una presentació sobre Cracòvia (Polònia) i el departament d’Animació de la seva universitat, adreçada a estudiants i professors de la nostra escola.
La University of the National Education Commission, Krakow, és la més gran i una de les universitats pedagògiques més antigues de Polònia i és ben coneguda pel seu alt prestigi, formació professional i modernitat. La missió de la universitat l'exerceix un professorat professional i experimentat que aplica continguts docents moderns i actuals. L'objectiu final és preparar els estudiants i graduats per a les seves futures carreres i objectius, d'acord amb les seves habilitats i expectatives. La universitat està situada a la ciutat de Cracòvia, rica en història, cultura, arts i arquitectura única. Hi ha nombrosos museus, galeries d'art i teatres per visitar i una vida nocturna agradable.
Anna Pyzik is an ERASMUS student from the University of the National Education Commission, Krakow (until 2023 named Pedagogical University of Krakow (Poland), twho has been studying Animation during this spring semester at the Pau Gargallo School of Art. Last Wenesday 23 May 2024, she made a presentation about Krakow (Poland) and the Animation department of her university, addressed to students and teachers of our school.
The University of the National Education Commission, Krakow, is the largest and one of the oldest pedagogical universities in Poland and is well known for its high prestige, professional education and modernity. The mission of the university is exercised by professional and experienced teaching staff who apply modern and current teaching content. The ultimate goal is to prepare the students and graduates for their future careers and achievements, according to their skills and expectations.The university is situated in the city of Krakow, rich in history, culture, arts and unique architecture. There are numerous museums, art galleries and theatres to go to and an enjoyable nightlife.
Més informació / more information: http://www.up.krakow.pl/en/

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