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From Abroad 2018.19: talks and lectures in English about Art and Design
Māra Ādina
Project manager and Sculpture teacher, Art Academy of Latvia
Insight into the European Sculpture in the 20th, 21st Century
Tuesday 12th March at 12:00 room 20
The Art Academy of Latvia in Riga is one of our ERASMUS partner institutions. Māra Ādina, who works as a Project Manager in The Workshop of Creative projects and Teacher in Sculpture department in the Art Academy of Latvia, will make a presentation in English about the project "Art Academy students reflection about European Sculpture in the 20th, 21st Century".
The purpose of her presentation consists of encouraging students and teachers from our institution to share an international creative project in the field of sculpture.
L'Art Academy of Latvia a Riga (Letònia) és una de les nostres institucions sòcies ERASMUS. Māra Ādina, que treballa com a Project Manager al Workshop of Creative projects i com a professora d’escultura a la Art Academy of Latvia realitzarà una presentació en anglès sobre el projecte ""Art Academy students reflection about European Sculpture in the 20th, 21st Century".
El propòsit de la seva presentació consisteix a encoratjar els estudiants i professors de la nostra institució a compartir un projecte creatiu internacional en el camp de l'escultura.
Category: Agenda