Presentació del projecte “Inspired by Susan Meiselas”

Dijous 10 de Maig de 2018 a les 16:00   Fundació Antoni Tàpies, Barcelona

El proper dijous 10 de Maig els alumnes de 2n curs d’ESDAP Catalunya campus Pau Gargallo i els estudiants ERASMUS de la Belfast School of Art presentaran de forma pública el projecte fotogràfic Inspired by Susan Meiselas, inspirat en l'obra 44 Irving St / Photos and letters (1971) a la Fundació Antoni Tàpies de Barcelona.

L’acte s’iniciarà amb una introducció a l’obra d’aquesta fotògrafa per part del director de la Fundació Tàpies Carles Guerra.

A continuació els alumnes d’ESDAP Catalunya i Belfast School of Art presentaran les seves fotografies en format desplegable per després passar a una projecció en pantalla del projecte.

Podem trobar més informació de Inspired by Susan Meiselas al links:


After visiting the exhibition Susan Meiselas. Mediations at the Fundació Antoni Tàpies and encouraged by the Education Department of this institution, 2nd level students from ESDAP Catalunya campus Pau Gargallo and ERASMUS students from the Belfast School of Arts started a photography project  inspired in Susan Meiselas’ work 44 Irving St / Photos and letters (1971).

Susan Meiselas, who had already made a personal presentation of her exhibition to an other group of students from EASD Pau Gargallo on 11th October 2017 explains this work on her website like this:

“I took my first photography course while pursuing a masters at Harvard Graduate School of Education. For the final course project, I made a 4x5 inch portrait of each of my neighbors from the boarding house where I lived, posed in a spot of their choosing at home. When I gave my subjects a print and asked them to write about how they saw themselves in her pictures, more often than not their words told a tale that the images alone did not relay.”

2nd level students from ESDAP Catalunya campus Pau Gargallo and ERASMUS students from the Belfast School of Arts were asked to take a selection of photography portraits of people from their neighbourhood. After showing these pictures to them they were asked to write about themselves and about how they saw themselves in their pictures in a similar way to the work 44 Irving Street.

Students participating in this project are Enrique Castro, Mercè Chacón, Joel Duch, Yana Eltsova, Amanda Espinosa, Eduard Fernández, Raquel Garcia, Carla Lecha, Laura Martínez, Laura Navarro, Gisela Neira, Eric Olmedo, Anna Pasamontes, Júlia Mateu, Berta Temprano, Adrià Tomás i Sara Vega from ESDAP Catalunya and Aynsley Longridge and Oisin McKeever from the Belfast School of Arts.

More information: